Hello Fall 2020!!

We are so excited that you have chosen to join Alfred Foundations this fall. Your faculty have spent the summer planning for the upcoming semester and are ready to welcome you to the School of Art and Design. As you prepare here are some pieces of information that will help to you understand Foundations and BFA course requirements, technology related suggestions and what you should bring in terms of art supplies. All of this can be found in our Getting Started  page.

The fall semester will be a combination of in-person and online classes. We will be enjoying the outdoors as much as possible and we will be observing common sense health and safety practices such as hand washing, mask wearing and social distancing.  In preparation for working outdoors we suggest that you pack good walking shoes, light and heavy outdoor clothing for colder or damp fall weather. We will be doing quite a lot of landscape themed drawing so if possible please consider purchasing a small, folding camp stool that will make it more comfortable to work in the outdoors.

Feel free to contact Kat Riesing who is the Chair of Foundations if you have questions or concerns regarding the upcoming semester: riesing@alfred.edu